its not hard to tell the difference between a real and fake skeleton, if the sternum (breast-bone)…In real life, the ribs do not connect directly to the sternum. Rather, the chondral cartilages form bridges between rib ends and sternum.Oct 3, 20231Oct 3, 20231
ENERGY WORKWe cannot measure our energy in units like blood pressure or iron levels in the blood. It is more of a personal feeling. If the doctor…Jul 14, 20231Jul 14, 20231
A thoughtful and well-written reflection in the autumn of our life.About Dylan Thomas's 'Do not go gentle into that goodnight.' The poet never reached old age so his 'rage, rage against the dying of the…Jul 5, 20231Jul 5, 20231
As a doctor retired from practice, I sometimes wonder how I had time and energy to deal with the…Retirement is a strange word. It implies you have passed your use-by date and now occupy a place on the scrap heap. That interpretation is…May 2, 20231May 2, 20231
A vital point, Ace.I recall the last days of my father's life. Previously an active neurosurgeon, by age 96 he was bedbound. In reply to my query about how it…Apr 15, 2023Apr 15, 2023
Just an elder retired doctor with some observations, not medical advice.Even with a good set of knees, an older person can't expect to do ball games and adventure travel as we used to. Those were the days! Other…Apr 13, 20231Apr 13, 20231
Well, as an old doctor i can see John's point.Personal agency is very important to health decisions for sure and you have the right to question or refuse treatment or tests. This lets…Nov 7, 2022Nov 7, 2022
Doctors are at their best in managing illness.If its advice on exercise you want, then a bodywork professional like a physiotherapist or a Qi-gong teacher may be a better resource.Oct 17, 2022Oct 17, 2022
I was an ED doctor for about 40 years, as a string of my rural general practice.It seems that our money-driven chaotic time has murdered this system and a visit to the ED can have an unpredictable outcome. but there are…Oct 14, 2022Oct 14, 2022